Past life therapy is based upon the assumption that we are eternal beings (souls, if you will) who have lived multiple lifetimes, in different bodies, locations, and cultural settings. As eternal souls we can carry forward learning and experiences from one human lifetime to another. Experiences of life and death from a previous lifetime can and do affect our psychological, emotional or spiritual condition in the present lifetime.

In recent years a number of renowned psychologists have presented a cogent understanding of ways in which those traumatic and painful experiences in a previous lifetime can affect our psycho-emotional functioning. Psychiatrist Dr. Brian Weiss, and the Jungian analyst Dr. Roger Woolger, among others, have trained therapists and healers to evoke and help heal past life memories. In past life therapy one can, potentially, encounter in the depth of the psyche all memory: events of this life time, including early childhood memories, prenatal memories, traumas of the birth canal, as well as events from times immemorial, lifetimes of other existences.

Although not in our immediate conscious awareness, it is said that one can gain access to images and memories from a previous lifetime. Through past life therapy, one  enters a relaxed, hypnotic state of awareness in order to explore these unconscious residue impressions  from a past life. Using music, deep relaxation and methods of guided visualization one can investigate these memories from a therapeutic vantage point which seeks to discharge and transform traumatic memories, and ultimately help an individual to be able see one’s present life time from a new vantage point.

Past life regression sessions are two hours long. Using music, deep relaxation, guided imagery, somatic release and internal dialogue processes, one can encounter and transform traumatic past life memories. In these sessions, a blend of personal psychology, collective mythology, prenatal, infant and childhood memories, and past life experiences may appear.

Through openness to the mystery of the psyche there can be a transformative healing of memories leaving one with a deeper sense of personal empowerment and connection in this lifetime.

I have trained with both Dr. Brian Weiss and Dr. Roger Woolger in this approach to healing of past life memories. Contact me for more information.


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